Download The Settlers - Heritage of Kings (win10 fix).zip, unzip and move the files to bin folder which is located in the folder with installed The Settlers - Heritage of kings, agreeing to replace files. After launching the game or the map editor with settlershok_w10cu.exe and shokmapeditor_w10cu.exe.
Icelanders, and I suppose everybody else as well, have always assumed that the great majority of the people who settled Iceland came directly from Norway and other Scandinavian countries and carried with them almost pure Norse customs and culture. The Sagas certainly support this, even though they mention Celtic slaves and even a few settlers who came from the Hebrides and Scotland. Very few Celtic words have found their way into the Icelandic language; few given names or placenames are of Celtic origin; and there is not much in Icelandic culture or customs to suggest a Celtic heritage.
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This is not to say that the first generations of Icelanders ate exactly the same food as their ancestors had done in Norway. The settlers will have needed to make some changes to their diet as soon as they came to Iceland. They had found a virgin country, with rivers full of salmon and trout, with seals and birds previously unexposed to man. Furthermore, eggs of wild fowl could also be gathered, meaning that in the early days of the Settlement there was plenty of food available for the taking, in addition to the animals brought over by the settlers, and the crops they cultivated on arrival.
Its use seems to have increased gradually as grain cultivation diminished, becoming increasingly important in the Icelandic diet. In the vast wilderness of the North and Northeast, Iceland moss grew in abundance, and groups of people would go into the mountains to gather it, sometimes sleeping in tents for a week or more, returning with dozens of large sacks stuffed full of their pickings. The moss was then spread out to dry, picked over and stored in barrels or large sacks. It was then soaked before use, chopped and cooked. In many regions porridge and other food made from it was served every day, sometimes for every single meal. It was used in bread, soups, puddings, blood sausage, and many other kinds of food, as well as being made into teas and potions for numerous ailments. 2ff7e9595c